Can I offer my customers a free trial?
If your chosen billing integration supports trials, you can offer free trials for your WaaS.
While trial sites might be free for your prospective customers, Dollie considers them to be just like any other customer site and thus the daily costs for hosting that site in our Cloud are still charged.
If the proper precautions are not taken, web-hosting can quickly be abused. Ensuring your customers are genuine is an important precaution to take, and insisting on a customer providing a valid credit card is a good way of doing that.
Do I pay for sites launched by my customers during a trial?
While trial sites might be free for your prospective customers, Dollie considers them to be just like any other customer site and thus the daily costs for hosting that site in our Cloud are still charged.
What else should I consider when offering free trials?
If the proper precautions are not taken, web-hosting can quickly be abused. Ensuring your customers are genuine is an important precaution to take, and insisting on a customer providing a valid credit card is a good way of doing that.
Updated on: 27/02/2024
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